Suddenly it’s Friday?! How did that happen? Sorry for the lack of posts the past two days. Been crazy swamped with work, and alas the week has flown by. Anyway, in other news, a BIG BIG thanks to Elle Decor for including one of my fav etsy picks for art and photography. Check it out here, alongside a few other awesome bloggers’ picks as well.
Being that the week is over, I’m in desperate need of mental and visual escape-, so here’s two vids to show you how I plan on spending the weekend- frolicking around Mexico and attending a glamorously fashion fab over the top dramatic party… or rather, here’s what I’ll be dreaming about as I hide in bed being lazy and putz-ing around, hehe. Oh and Happy Mother’s Day to all you gorgeous moms! Have a good one!
(btw, I am the original “J.Lo” thankyouverymuch)