is a beautiful mess… whoa- what a crazy few days here in happy mundane land. Crazy non-stop rain, which is pretty unheard of here in So Cal, not only threw everyone in a wacky tizzy, but also co-incided with pre-holiday, end of the year- last minute work overload. The saying “when it rains, it pours” really had double meaning for me so far this week! Anyway- the rains are finally stopping, and J3 is closing up shop for the holidays- which leaves me time to getting back to blogging, and looking forward to the holidays. I still have the final results of my 2010 modern ornament adventure to share, as well as a few other visual goodies. Are you guys all done and ready for the holidays? Tell me I’m not the only one not finished yet! (one more shot of Pepe so not feeling all the rain after the jump…)
“you expect me to go out in that?…are you serious?!”