If you’ve been following my blog, you may recall for the past two years, I’ve been a little crafty when it comes to my Christmas decorations (click here for last year’s wreath, and the year before’s ornaments). This year, I’m still keeping with the current theme, but I wanted to try to mix in some new ornaments. My friend Em sent me this link to Maryam Nassir Zadeh. I was so inspired by the “study in balance” necklace. I mean- gorgeous right? So it got me thinking about maybe doing something along those lines for new ornaments. I also knew I wanted to do something with wood. So, I went to the craft store and picked up a package of these little match sticks, got me some glue (opted for super glue gel, thinking that it would bond fast and then I also wouldn’t have to deal with those pesky glue gun spider webs), grabbed a blade, and started the adventure…
If you followed my twitter this weekend, I posted a sneak peak. So far, I’m liking how they’re turning out, but I’m debating on painting them. Also on what kind of string to use. Anyway- stay tuned!…