so the first thing i wanted to do with my parent’s “while you were out” was remove the awful mandatory-seems-like-every-asian’s-parents-home-has-one-80’s- halogen torch light- looking for options, i really liked this tripod lamp from Design Within reach– but… at $648, that would be half my budget- so… i then came across this one from CB2– which at $189- was a lot more budget friendly- but still- that was a lot to spend for just one piece of my puzzle- While making “the rounds” looking for potential things, i came across this tripod lamp at Walmart –
which was perfect- except for the really weird inverted shade- but at $29.99- i could not pass that up- with a simple switch out, via the other ‘mart’- (kmart)- i got a larger replacement drum shade for $9.99- and voila!– cool looking tripod lamp for about $40 bucks!-
stay tuned for the next installment, and i’ll show you the completed room-